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Joseph Pilates
Joseph Pilates was a man ahead of his time in his caring for people’s mental, physical and spiritual health. He taught himself human anatomy and observed animals to study movement. German-born Joseph Pilates was a health visionary, creating a body-conditioning system for athletes, dancers and everyone else in between, no matter what their age.
Prompted by his own ill health as a child suffering from rickets, asthma and rheumatic fever, the ”Pilates“ method was born. During the First World War, Pilates worked with non-ambulatory patients by attaching springs to the hospital beds to support their ailing limbs.
He fashioned exercise equipment out of pulleys, bedsprings and straps, so that they were able to exercise while still in bed. These beds became the stepping-stone to what is now known as the Reformer used in Pilates apparatus today. His method of using the mind to master the muscle was called “Contrology”, which is an integral part of Pilates teaching.
At CORPSPilates, we mainly teach using the BASI Pilates method, which was developed based on Joseph H. Pilates’ original works. With the emphasis on breathing, core conditioning and body awareness, the sequence of exercises simultaneously stretch, strengthen, tone and align the body while eliminating excess tension and strain on the joints. Workouts are performed on a mat or specialized equipment.
In conjunction with regular cardiovascular exercise, Pilates is a fitness regime for life, perfectly complementing sports, rehab and daily life. Sessions should focus on the quality, not the quantity of exercise. It is the mind-body connection that truly makes Pilates distinct. Pilates was developed to create a healthy body, a healthy mind, and a healthy life.

"Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness".